Shaving the body is common for women, but nowadays, men are also opting to shave their body hair as well. In the past, the presence of thick hair on the male body was a sign of masculinity and a way to show that he is a “Manly Man.” But now, it can be taken as a sign of poor hygiene for many people, and many may even think that the person does not care about themselves.

So now many are thinking is it okay for the men to remove their body hair, and if it is, what are the reasons for it? We have done our homework, and here are what we found are the top 4 reasons some men like to shave their body hair.

4 Benefits of Shaving your Body Hair

  1. One of the main reasons men shave their body is due to cleanliness. They simply feel cleaner. For many people, body hair is a sign that the person does not take care of themselves. Many men feel it is easier to wash the dirt and sweat from the body when the skin is smooth and shaved.
  2. Another big reason why men shave their bodies is to eliminate body odor. The body hair gives bacteria a suitable environment to grow, and due to sweat from our body, the bacteria propagate. It can cause the body to smell. Therefore, removing body hair can potentially reduce body odor.
  3. Other men shave their body hair due to aesthetic reasons. Many celebrities and athletes like to shave their body hair as it gives a smooth look for the camera and increases the appearance of smooth muscular physique.
  4. Many athletes have been known to shave their body hair due to perceived advantages they get on the field. It is said shaving can also reduce the chances of inflammation after a bruise. 


Previously shaving and waxing body hair was considered taboo for men, but now it is very common as many women think men are too manly.

Either way, make sure you enjoy and feel good about the way you look.