Statistics show that more than 20% of men suffer from some kind of acne. While the acne rates decrease with age, the after-effects such as marks, scars, and redness may stay for years to come. Therefore, men need to take care of their skin and find ways to fight acne.

Alot of guys don’t think skin care is that important, but it has several benefits in the long run. Thus, let us talk about the most effective ways to treat acne and take care of your skin.

Effective Ways to Fight Acne

Following are the best ways and routines for men to take care of their skin to reduce acne.

Wash Your Face Regularly

Excess oil and dirt are a leading reason for acne build-up. It is difficult for men to maintain healthier skin because they have more outdoor tasks to complete. However, that still doesn’t mean that men cannot have clear skin. It is best to wash your face 2-3 three times a day with plain water. You can also pair the cleaning with a mild cleanser once a day.

However, ensure avoiding rubbing your face with a towel or any other dry cloth. It is better to lightly dab your face with it to dry your skin.

Understand Skin Type

Both men and women have different skin types. Each of these skin types has its requirements for care, which is important to find ways to fight acne. A professional can guide you about your skin type the best, but you can use the following skin types to judge yours.

  • Dry: Flaky and tighter skin.
  • Oily: Oily and shiny skin by the end of the day.
  • Combination: A mix of dry and oily skin types.
  • Sensitive: Skin turns red easily and gets rashes.

While any skin type can develop acne, oily skin is the most prone to it. We suggest you invest in a suitable skin cleanser according to your skin type.

Moisturize Regularly

Skin imbalances can cause breakouts and acne attacks in most cases. A moisturizer can help keep your skin clean and hydrated for a longer period. The skin usually produces oil (sebum) when it is dry. Using a moisturizer regularly is one of the best ways to fight acne.

Choose Acne Treatment

Over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatments can help fight pimples, reduce redness, deal with scars and provide tons of ways to fight acne. However, these products can often cause skin reactions such as rashes, redness, and irritation. Therefore, it is best to discuss things with a dermatologist or a specialist before choosing such a product.

Interestingly there are several OTC acne treatment options you can choose from. Some of the most common ones include the following:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Salicylic acid
  • Sulfur

Each of these OTCs has its characteristics and reactions on the skin. Therefore, ensure discussing things with a professional.

Bottom Line

Finding effective ways to fight acne is not difficult if you follow the right tips. Simple steps like washing your face, choosing the right cleanser, and understanding your skin type can help. You can also choose OTC skin treatments if these basic tips do not work out for you.

We are sure these simple tips will provide you with enough ways to fight acne, and improve your skin.