Apple Tablet to be Revealed Jan. 27th?

I’ve refrained from mentioning anything about it since there really wasn’t much concrete evidence swirling around. However, it has now been announced that Apple is hosting an even on the 27th of this month to show off its newest “Creation”! The event will be in San Franisco, and no one is willing to pay for my trip out there 🙁 so I’ll have to live vicariously through others for now. Really hope its about that tablet, or iSlate, or whatever…


Apple to Come Out With What Looks Like Giant iPod Touch


Remember that article that I did on the Crunch Pad? Yeah, me either till I saw this thing. Looks like Apple took notice that there was a market for a large touch sensitive device and is seeking to fill the void before anyone else. To be honest, I’m quite intrigued…for now. My attention span is that of a gnat so they better come with it quickly or else they might loose momentum and miss the opportunity. According to the Financial Times, this doohicky is set for a possible September or October Release at a price point of between $600-1000 bucks. What do you guys think?