Projector on…the iPhone???

You always have the latest toy. Everyone is always impressed with you…that’s why you are visiting The Manly Man Site. We try to keep you ahead of the curve in accessible technology so that you can continue to be superior to everyone around you (or at least think so anyway), which brings us to the MiLi Pro iPhone Projector. You can check the screens below:

Projector Screen Size: Approx 5-70″ with 640×480 resolution

Brightness: 10 Lumens

Battery Life: ???

Compatibility:  iPhone 3GS, 3G, 2G and iPod Touch, Classic

So two things off hand that I’m a little worried about. First, I’m not seeing a headphone jack. Second, I’m worried about battery life, since it has its on power source. They haven’t posted price just yet, and it should be coming out this fall.