New Iron Man 2 Trailer

If your as much of a fan of comics as I am, no doubt you’ve seen Iron Man 1 and are eagerly anticipating Iron Man 2. Well, a new trailer has surfaced and some interesting goodies have been added. We see a little more onscreen time with Whiplash played by Mickey Rourke, and some awesome hand to hand with the Black Widow played by Gwyneth Paltrow. We also get to see Rhodes (Don Cheadle) in an unpainted suite (presumably War Machine suite without the paint job). We see them teaming up to destroy a whole pile of wannabees and its awesomeness!!! Did you see War Machines Guns!!!! Ok, enough, you probably haven’t read a word of this so I’ll stop talking. Video is below:

Ninja Movie to best ALL other Ninja Movies…

And get this…the main character is Asian!!! Now I’ve been a big fan of Ninja movies for a long time. I’ve been waiting for a long time for someone to actually take a ninja movie seriously. Well folks, it may just be that that day is here. John Gaeta, the special effects guy who worked on Matrix and others, worked on this as well so I have high hopes. Also the trailer definitely helps. Really liking the fact that there seems to be permanent damage, seeing that sharp objects tend to do that to human flesh…I’m just sayin! Take a look:

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