Category: Gadget-Lust

Gadget-Lust, Phones

Behold II Review

Hey Yall, so I got my hands on the Behold II for T mobile and am presently testing it out. The review will come soon enough…sorry kinda got lazy over the weekend! But never fear, I have some shots below to wet the appetite (as if you haven’t already seen pics…

Fashion, Watches

Night Rider Watch!?

Sorry false alarm, but it still looks cool. It’s a new watch from TokyoFlash, and as usual they have come out with a really unique LED watch that is guaranteed to turn heads (for better or for worse!). However, we feel like its always best…


From the Engadget Show!

So we were able to secure our tickets to the Engadget Show and it was a lot of fun. Joshua Topolsky has a wicked sense of humor, and it was jokes the whole time. Drew Bamford from HTC had some interesting things to say, and…


Chrome OS…Worth the Hype?

So,  I am really looking forward to The Chrome Operating System. It looks really nice and fresh smelling and clean. Here are some videos to help explain what it is and how it works…lets check it out: embedded by Embedded VideoYouTube Direkt Ok, wait…did that…


New Verizon Droid to Put Hair on Your Chest

I’m actually a T-mobile lover myself…Hey Mrs. Jones ;). However, I’ve got to say I am really pleasantly surprised at these Verizon Commercials. Very clever,  and funny appealing to the Tekki  in all of us. This commercial is probably my favorite so far…well besides the…


N900 Comin Stateside…We Hope!

Ok, so this really isn’t news right now, but I hadn’t gotten around to posting about this phone. It’s the Nokia N900, which by the way is available for pre-order right now! Now, I love my phones, and I’m always looking for something that has…