Category: General Manliness

Cars, Gadget-Lust, General Manliness

New BMW i8 and i3 Concept Cars Aim to Change The Game…Again

BMW recently showed off their new i8 and i3 concept cars here in New York City so I got a chance to take a look at them up close. You can peruse the gallery below for some images. What I will say is that when these vehicles are for sale, they will be highly desirable. Other car makers are jumping on the electric band wagon of course but BMW seems to have bode its time for a while. Good move it seems as company’s like Fisker, and Ford have been forced to make some recalls on their electric vehicle offerings.

Gadget-Lust, General Manliness

Holiday Gift Guide

I had the XBox360 for quite some time, however, there were a few things I was missing from the repertoire. Namely, another system. Having procured both major systems ensures that I will have access to the top games for both platforms at my whim. I can also choose which online community I want to interact with. If the person your thinking of purchasing for has one system and loves it chances are they will enjoy another game system as well unless they are just rabid fan-boys of a particular platform. That said, getting a bundle will provide the most “bang” for your buck. You can get a game as well as the cool features that come along with the motion controllers for the PS3 or the XBox360. They also don’t have to go out and purchase those items later. You would do well to note that both platforms support apps like Netflix and music/movie downloads however Xbox Live costs about $60.00 per year while the Playstation Network is free.

General Manliness

Acting UnManly

Was appalled at the behavior of this young man on the train this past Memorial Day Weekend. The young man, trying to assert himself, was yelling and disrespecting his girlfriend. As he continued to curse her out in public. After please to calm down the…